
We always start with a template made from cardboard to layout the desired results.

We cut out and sanded the holder to the proper shape and are now using a mortise drill bit to cut out the drink holder holes. This tool cuts a smooth hole to minimize sanding.

We made plugs for the bottom which will be put in after stain clear and coat. This enables us to clear coat perfectly the inside walls of the holder with no spray back!

4 coats of clear was applied and we let dry for 8 hours then sanded smooth without cutting into the wood.

We then sand down with 180 grit paper, clear again 4 more coats then 220 grit sand paper, clear again, sand with 320 and so on with 400-600-800-1000-1200-1500 until finally we sand with 2000 and then polish.

The final result is stunning. Time, skill and patience all add up to one thing, Quality workmanship that is rarely seen.

The final phase will be a trip to the upholstery shop for a brown leather wrap.


