Door Panels

To lay out and build door panels takes a bit of time when building the best. Here we have luan wood panel 1/8 thick that has been cut out to fit the very outer edge of the door frame less 1/6 of an inch to compensate for foam and upholstery material such as the leather we are using. We have laid out 3/16 th thick pad strips for spacers to allow the pleated look on this 59 Caddy.

As per the factory, carpet was installed at the bottom section of each door panel. It is hemmed with material on the exposed bottom edge and is then glued in place.

After marking with a straight edge and sewing the leather pleats exactly on those lines we have perfect pleats on the bottom half section. At this point we now glue it in place.

The same shim, sew and glue system was repeated on the upper section to give this look. Stainless steel panels are then attached in the arrow shape seen to finish off the panels.