Parts Organization

Your parts are organized to a tee in our parts storage areas! We only build frame off projects so we need a lot of dry, dehumidified room to store ten's of thousand's of parts. This keeps them organized and protected while the project is being built.

To keep your parts organized and separated. They are listed by number, then bagged and tagged, including every fastener.

Box by box number by number all kept track of

As seen on our Initial dis-assembly record, the condition and what is required to restore is listed along with the numbered box so it can be instantly located.

Computer printout

Phone logs of every call made for your trust

Our Genie powered lift provides easy access to your parts at any time retrieval is needed.

We keep each customers shop manuals, photos, parts, search records and dis-assembly records completely separate and mobile to take to each project if need be.

Manuals and every thing needed.