Body Align
On every project that comes through our facility we refine the gaps to the best of our ability. The goal is to have the body fitted to 3/16 gaps. Depending on what the car will allow based on the factory hinges and catches we will push, pull, cut, slice and weld to achieve the results. Watch what it takes to make it happen.
Body Align Process
Body Align Process
Trim is always a deciding factor on what we are able to achieve. Large gaps from pot metal trim pose many problems.
Same on the other side
Tail pan was widened.
We split then added to lengthen the tail pan panel
Body Align Process
Hood is too high
After adjustments we are now level
Spot welds were cut and the panel was raised to achieve it
Same on the hood as it was lowered. Then all welds are redone.
Welds ground down.
She looks good.