Assembly Shop

Our assembly shop is divided into 3 - 5,000 square foot sections. As seen the center section has room for 8-10 projects being assembled at the same time with plenty of room to spare!

The shop features a dust free environment that makes the difference in details before we hand you the keys to your dream ride.

Each final assembly technician uses latex gloves to handle parts during assembly. The moisture/acid from a human hand can tarnish plating finishes. We do what it takes to give you the finest product.

With every frame off body project we build, the drive train is usually test run and tuned before the body is dropped.

As seen the testing is done and the chassis is completely wrapped in several layers of plastic for dust protection. We are now dropping the body for the final time. We will then do a final body block sanding and then paint. This must be done to allow the body to stabilize in its final support mode to ensure world class body and paint results. " Never sell wine before its time"