1972 Firebird - Body Rust

The body has been white metal blasted with aluminum oxide. In general more pin holes expose themselves after it has been blasted. We tape off the areas in need of repair then prime the remaining body. Take a look at a few areas we had to repair below. 40 year old Muscle Cars have their share of problems and finding a complete rust free car is nearly impossible today

Depending on the amount of repairs we will sometimes perform them before we blast the whole panel such is the case on this door bottom section. It has been cut away and primed in the inside and ready for its patch panel.

The panel was fitted and welded in solid with no warping. We then grind it smooth.

Bottom qter the same thing.

Welded up and ready to be ground then finished.

Unusual places rust on each type of car as seen a wide stainless cowl molding that covers this area held moisture against the panel and holes developed.

Pretty large area in need of repairs

We have it about 3/4th done and will grind smooth once we finish.

The qters were good but had a few small areas in need of patching.

Rockers dented from running over a curb or??

We ground back the primer so we can stud weld some pull studs on and remove the dent.

Stud welder makes short work of it as seen she came out nice. We will grind these off and smooth the metal now. The Pontiac Firebird restoration project is coming along nicely!