1971 Mustang - Strip

4 post lift makes it easy to disassemble every facet of a Muscle Cars structure.

Last but not least the wheels and related suspension will come off to mount the Mustang body to a rotator.

The old Mustang is in pretty good shape but grease, dirt and old undercoat must be removed to properly assess for this restoration.

Battery tray area and engine bay looking rough.

The paint has been stripped and Bill is removing the old filler with a large wire wheel brush. This tool makes short work of removing old bondo. Most shops do not have the talent to straighten metal properly and simply fill dents with filler. Old world straightening techniques are alive and well at our shop. It simply takes the right people with the right skills.

Dipping and stripping parts in our automated heated tanks while we stay busy on the customers Mustang restoration project is mandatory for efficiency.

Like I said bondo is used to fill holes because it is easy/cheap but it is not the answer when it comes to longevity. Bill has some more to cut.