71 Mustang - Mechanical

Details make the difference so the "behind the scene" parts get the same attention as large items. The brake pedal assembly also gets restored to an exceptional level.

After disassembly we make a note of parts needed and start the process.

White metal clean we media blast 100% of the surface.

Zinc chromate primer for adhesion. Then we apply satin black and reassemble as a unit.

Brake pedal assembly came out niceeee!

Steering columns are also rebuilt.

Each piece is pulled out and separated for inspection, rebuilding and detailing.

Every individual part gets scrutinized and tweaked to perform to the highest level.

Adjustments are made in this case spacing was way off from the factory so we will move the stop.

Moved back 1/4 inch is all that is needed.

Reweld and you have a much better fitting unit.

All blasted then primed and painted.

Every part is dirty and rusty when you go back around 40 years old.

Once reassembled it is ready for the final top coat of color.

71 Mustang - Mechanical

We prefer to use the original MFG door hinges instead of reproduction parts because of the fit. We disassemble, blast and rebuild them. Finding the correct bronze bushings and hardened pins is vital and fitting them to a precise tolerance is mandatory for smooth operation.

White metal clean we media blast 100 percent of the surface.

All parts are then zinc chromate primed.

Fitting of the pins to bushings takes place along with anti seize agent.

Ready to install during the body fit stage. They will then be taken back off and painted at the end of the build just before final assembly.

71 Mustang - Mechanical

71 Mustang - Mechanical

71 Mustang - Mechanical