69 Cougar - Rust Repair

Many rusted sections on this Cat will be repaired including some metal work performed for cosmetic purposes. Here we built some covers where the old shock mounts were located. Being we changed the suspension to a custom handling system we wanted to smooth up the bottom side floor a bit.

Rear lower qter panel needed metal formed.

Fabrication of these panels is needed because the repro was made by Fred Flintstone with his hammer " need I say more "!

Coming along and fitting well.

More fitting.

Tacked in and looking great.

Fully welded and ground smooth "details make the difference".

Under side view looks great. Nice work Bob!

Blasted and ready for primer.

Same with the rest of the car, many patches were fabbed and installed to dead on tolerance as all of our work is performed.

Body was blasted white metal clean for the ultimate in adhesion which provides the longevity.

Engine bay too.

Floors you name it we clean it to the bone.

A few other spots to show you on the right rear qter. It too was gone and on the inside of the wheel house.

Mani works his magic by making a template first.

He then laid it out on some metal of the same gauge.

He shrinks, hammers and finesses it to a fine fit.

As seen from the side profile NICCCE! We now go on to the inner wheel house which has to be welded in before the outer qter is placed in.

Inner wheel house with its weird shapes also needed replacing.

Rough VS Sweet. Pick your winner!

Installed, blasted and ready to weld.