69 Cougar - Hood Tweak

Clearance was needed on the underside of the hood for a custom air cleaner we fabbed. The customer wants everything to blend in as if it had the look that Mercury built it that way. We are cutting away some of the structural shaped metal on the bottom side to make a new pattern.

As seen the old metal was cut to lengthen and widen the structures for more clearance.

Templates were made and metal was cut to match. Here we have just shaped the metal on the stretcher / shrinker tool to make our shapes and Louie is fitting it now.

You can start to get an idea of the "original " look the new metal will have with the familiar " Ford twists and turns" that stamped metal has.

Even the lip on the inside edge is kept to give it a clean factory look.

She looks great and now its ready to fully weld up.

Many shapes to weld and grind to achieve the look.

All welded up fully and now its time to grind.

Smoothed up and ready for blasting and body work.