1966 Mustang - Interior

There are many new parts available for a Mustang but they usually do not fit well. Imported parts flood the market so you have to know the correct suppliers to deal with. Everything must be pre fitted and "tweaked" to make it happen. For instance the speaker / defroster grille which is an original Ford part needed massaging a bit to fit in to the confines of the repro dash pad.

Same with the trim or garnish molding especially if you want the screws to make even straight contact in the counter sunk holes. Fit before paint and you have an easier final assembly.

Repro glove box cover needed shimming, slicing and prepping on the back side to get it straight.

Same with the kick panels, to fit the wind lace edge some carving on the inside was needed.

As seen Eric slices a bit off the driver side top to clear the dash bracket and a bit off the lower section to compensate for the carpet thickness.

As seen she fits around the bracket nicely

Once completed she can be disassembled and painted. These steps took some extra time but they will eliminate scratching any paint during final assembly.

The console is also a reproduction. It needs to be cut back in the front to compensate for the under dash air conditioning system. This was a factory tweaking that Ford did.

Taped marked, Eric is slicing off the unwanted section.

A trim piece goes on the end to finish it off.

Interior parts were all painted satin color.

Dash painted also.