1965 Corvair - Start Project
The little car started out somewhat complete but in tarnished condition.
As seen with the rear tires bowing out the rear suspension needed some serious rebuilding.
The orig dark blue paint was faded with the usual dings and dents that a 40 year plus old car has.
The trim did not fit from the factory and even more crooked after 40 plus years.
Convertible top was tattered and barely still on the frame.
Orig interior was in sad shape as is normal in many convertibles as they are exposed to more moisture, sun and humidity then hardtops.
All trim, lenses and chrome were pretty much wasted and in need of total restoration.
The underside suspension and chassis was greasy and rusty with every part worn out.
The rear engine bay was also ugly and in need of our craftsmen to knock it out and get it done.
The left rear tire is seen poking through the rusted out sections in the engine bay area.