63 Galaxie Drive Train

We dropped the motor and trans in place and check for fit. Because the front mounted rack and pinion steering takes up some of the room in the front we chose a rear sump oil pan.

As seen the trans has ample clearance.

Another consideration is the oil filter to steering shaft clearance. We will use a special adapter to move the filter toward the front of the engine.

We want a minimum 1/2 inch clearance to the frame so we simply use 1/2 MDF wood to keep her in the right height position.

Adjustable tools like this tranny stand are invaluable when deciphering the correct angle of the engine/trans to rear end to allow the drive shaft complete movement and degree during acceleration.

The GM automatic overdrive 4 speed was chosen because of its ability to handle large horsepower and with a heavy car we need a trans that can take the abuse. Note the plate to attach a Chevy trans to a Ford engine block.

We cut the plate to fit better and look cleaner.

A mock up block with only a dummy crank is needed for now. During this phase when grinding and welding is performed you do not want the finished product to get grit inside. This allows a cleaner job. In addition any items left on the engine during fab work are taped for scratch protection.