63 Galaxie Tire/Wheel Fit

1. We set the body down for her initial fit using our mobile body picker. One man operation and safety to boot.

2. Once in place we fitted the tires first and foremost to get the look, rake and style we are after.

3. These are some 17s front and 18s in the rear that we have in the shop to take a look. The front tires are the right diameter but we are going larger in the rear. We have decided that 19's rims in the rear and 18's rims in the front will look the best on this particular car.

4. We check for clearance to fender wheel opening at ride height and all looks good.

5. The 19s really fill up the rear wheel wells and 30.5 tall tire looks good.

6. 11 inches wide is plenty of meat as she will hook up well with plenty of clearance on both sides of the tire. This will aide in the event a flat ever occurs to change it out on the road. Smart thinkin Jeff!

7. In the slammed position she is looking low and mean like a "Behemoth" should.

8. In fact the car could actually be driven this way and still make pretty sharp turns "around 3/4 ths" before the tires would rub because of the narrow frame width and the offset on the rims.