63 Galaxie - Seating

The customer wants to retain as much as possible of the original seats for that XL look so we purchased an original 64 interior to start with.

Time to check out the seating, We sat in and checked all brake, gas, steering, shifter locations and found the best combo.

This is one of the seat brace cross bars. Note the nut inserted flush for mounting the seat.

This is the seat configuration we built to match the seat track. It is used to be sure all will line up. Measure twice cut once.

Jeff sits in the car and checks the seating for distance from the pedals and steering wheel including overall height for Max comfort. Keep in mind we changed the entire floor because of the new style chassis and we did not want deep drop floor pockets as they look unsightly from under the car. We have determined that the height needs to be dropped so we will build a set of seat risers and use brand new tracks so we can customize our settings.

The stock seat brackets are not going to cut it and will require too much work compared top making our own brackets from scratch. The old tracks/sliders are wasted also.

As mentioned the Original style seats for a 64 XL Galaxie are being used but with our new floor system we have to change the way the brackets are positioned. We built a set of " V " shaped brackets to change the height positions in order to achieve the best looks and comfort possible.

A close up shows the vise grip attached for quick position change.

We decided to use new tracks so we fabricated new brackets on the seat frame to accept them. These will have a side cover on them once finished so we had to be sure we had the proper clearance before final welding.

Front bar lift tracks were chosen for easy adjustment.

Now that we have our angle and height determined we made a mock up of the risers.

One piece and strong while looking good.

In place and ready for her maiden voyage.