63 Galaxie Brake System

The interior under dash mounted master cylinder was designed with easy access and provides a clean fire wall by being hidden below the dash panel out of site.

We want to mount the emergency brake handle assembly out of site, yet totally accessible. Our location will be between the driver side bucket seat and the console. Lou fabbed a bracket to hold the emergency brake handle firmly to the floor.

Once mounted it will sit nice and snug against the floor using minimal space.

The emergency brake was located between the console and the driver bucket seat.

The rear part shows the cables mounted and ready for a cover.

All is good as the unit mounts in place and operates smoothly.

Once installed the cover along with the trim ring fits nicely around the emergency brake and seatbelt catch.

Just behind the rear tire we ran the brake cables through the frame and out on to the interior floor so we could keep the underside floor ultra clean and free of parts/clutter. We simply sliced on an angle and inserted some tubing for a solid anchor mount to hold the cable in firmly.

Ground down she is starting to look good. A tear drop shape.

Mounted with the cable she is very clean looking.

Under the dash pad is the reservoir for the brake master cylinder that we placed under the dash pad to the left. You simply pop the original speaker cover in the center of the dash off and easy access.