1958 Corvette - Original Fit
M's Panamas starting condition was rougher then rough from almost 50 years of use and abuse. As seen here the 1958 Corvette even had a new coat of wrong color paint. Time for some PRO restoration.
Notice the bad fit especially the door sticking out past the quarter panel. 58's were not known for fit and finish as this is typical of an early Vette!
Bad fit on all the trim in need of tweaking.
Nothing fits decent on this car as we check all gaps and make determinations about parts to use.
This Corvette has uneven gaps are every where but we will fix that.
You could Jump a Cat inside the deck lid she is so wide.
Door to fender gaps are huge.
Panels sticking up 1/4 inch and more.
Head lights fit down on the fender edges over 3/16th
The deck lid to qter is way off.
Original rear deck top cover, qter panel and door gaps look nasty but look below to see our remedy.
The fit of gaps and trim to one another is starting to come together. As seen before nothing fits but we make em better then new, beyond GM recognition. Corvette restoration at it's finest.