1958 Corvette - Drive Train
We pulled the drive train next for a complete rebuild and detail for this Corvette Restoration. We also replaced many of the parts with correct date coded parts that were missing.
The engine was left in disarray with many incorrect parts. The water pump and engine mount plate leaked like a sive so we needed to fix that.
This was not one of G.M.s best ideas but we have a remedy, The motor mount plate also acts as a shim to seal the water pump from the block, We planed the unit and epoxied all the remaining pits so the gaskets could do their job.
We pulled the engine parts from the dip tank and are now ready to build the them back to exact tolerance.
The Corvette's rough correct block needs much attention.
Rebuilt and then prepped/wire wheeled to a shiny cast iron cleanliness level makes for long life of the Chevy orange paint.
Starter was built to pump out more power but retain its original look.
Right down to the I.D. tag details make the difference.
Finished product says it all. 230 cubic inches of man eatin' in its day HP
230 H.P. was fast in 58
Breather was also done to 58 Corvette orig standards.
The tranny is rough with gears worn out and wasted looking, she needs our treatment badly. We will make this 1958 Corvette Restoration something to gawk at!
Disassemble it all. Lets get her to motivate the car in a better way.
Rebuilt and detailed she is ready to take the Vette down the highway.
Another view shows her lookin' good. Another step completed in the Corvette Restoration process.