57 Chevy - Firewall Dash

This car was one rough 57, as seen even the fire wall was dented and banged around from changing motors through out the years.

Just a few pictures to show how rough this car was.

Our metal masters got it done, we now have it sanded and blocked, its time for paint.

The blue goes on and we are ready to refine.

Cut and polish just like the outer body to a mirror shine.

Detailed and ready to paint the rest of the body, lets get the dash done first.

The dash is masked off and ready to spray.

Many intricate areas, you have to be careful when masking so the tape is kept away from all edges. This keeps the paint/clear coat from overlapping it.

The paint came out nice and it is time to color sand.

We cut in 1000, 1200, 1500, then 2000 and polish, then we are done and ready for assembly.

The Top gets the same treatment.

Note the special scaffolding used to paint the roof.

Inner aprons also receive the blue treatment.

Hard block the clear to make them sparkle like a diamond.

Contoured color sanding blocks also.

Looking good.