57 Chevy - Bumpers

The die cast or pot metal fit in correlation to the stainless trim then on to the bumpers is vital for that first class look. We start with the basic alignment. We had to find some individual pieces and match them together for the best fit. We also used some repro sections, but limited to those that were within our guidelines. Although it would be better to use original they are usually all in rough shape being 50 years old.

The gaps and how the sections fit together is equally important. As seen they are large and unacceptable.

We start on the rear with the outer ends. As seen these repros although rust free fit like a bow legged fat belly pig. Unsightly to say the least. Tight at the top and wide at the bottom.

We have to split the bumper and tweak her in to our mold " Dead-On " .

Once we got the fit we wanted, we tack welded, checked it for fit then finished welding it.

Even the center section at the ends needed work to fit, including the gap.

Time for the initial leveling of the high and low spots. We use metal files for this first step. You can see the lows stand out with the metal file.

Dents are removed and filed down where needed.

The welds are filed and she is looking good.

Now we switched to power tool and hand sanding the metal starting with 80 grit then on to180 grit on the ends and she is ready for copper.

Wet down and inspected, time to put some copper on it.

One last final fit.

Fits like an isotoner glove now.

We use a bumper stand to clamp them down steady and often tack weld to hold for easy access while we work them in to shape.

Finished off in 180 grit they are ready for copper plating which provides adhesion between the nickel and chrome.

We also use ceramic sand paper when using the air powered board file. We metal file by hand first, then finish off using 80 grit.

After 180 grit all the ripples are removed and she is coming along nicely.

Being that we put a custom frame on the 57 we needed to modify the front bumper brackets to fit the new frame.

Each and every imperfection gets marked for removal of flaws. They are almost gone.