1936 Truck - Rims

The Rims were full of Sins, rusty with numerous dents and they could tell a story 70 plus years long.

We demounted all we had then attached them with a bearing to the axle to check how true or "not" they were.

As seen many dents and problems.

Heated and straight.

Many dips and dives had to be removed to get them cosmetically nice.

We sanded them down to a thin surface filling only the scarring pits and irregularities.

We are missing 2 more rims as they were way to rough to use and also had the wrong triangle cut shapes to match the others. We found a couple of NOS ones to complete our selection including a spare.

A skim coat of glaze was applied on the front and rear outer rims as they are highly visible. They are painted in black and we want them very nice.

Sealer was applied on the back side where the rim is riveted to keep any and all water out of the seam.