1936 Truck - Motor

The Flat head was pulled from the chassis and steam cleaned down to remove some of the old grease/oils during inspection. Lets take a look inside.

We will pull off the intake and heads first to see what mysteries we can find.

The old flat head had its share of problems. The head gasket leaked and water sat in this cylinder for years. Installing new sleeves will be needed.

She actually ran and was able to move in to the disassembly stall under her own power. My father use to say "A Ford will always get you home!"

Clutch was replace at one time and specs out OK

We dipped the intake to clean it up and start the resto process.

The water inlets were very pitted so we scotch weld epoxied on to the blasted surface to take care of that problem. Time to sand smooth and true so the hose sealing will be perfect.

Distributor is intact so lets take a look inside.

A few parts are restorable.

Pretty worn out overall so much rebuilding will be needed.

Intake bolts were prepped, plated and cleared for protection.