1936 Truck - Frame

A 75 year old frame has its share of problems with dents, tears and rust. We blasted it white metal clean and applied 3 coats of hi build. Our initial sanding reveled some low spots and scarring so some glaze will be used to perfect it.

This close up shows sanding it down till we hit metal in order to keep the primer to a minimum thickness.

Bill hand sands on the flat areas to make her true.

We use power tools where acceptable to make better time like the inside frame sections. We use the industry standard National Detroit DA

Our "Fein" angle sander gets in the nook and crannies while providing precision sanding with no ripples.

Some one cut the ends of the frame many moons ago so need to add the correct amount back on to get her back to the factory length.

Welded in solid we are ready for grinding and prepping.

Mani added the extention on the end of the frame with the same gauge and shape of metal.