1928 International Truck - Firewall & Roof

The roof was completley torn up with old pieces of card board and barely usable as a template.

The custom material for the top was installed over an ABS board 1/8thick which was sanded paper thin on the edges.

Stapled in place the top is looking good and Eric will then attach a wire on bead completely around the perimeter covering this stapled area.

Looks good and ready for wire on.

Custom material was used to wrap the top for an authentic style roof!

As seen the firewall, kick panel and gas tank area was pretty much like wasted... If you know what I mean.

The fire wall upholstery needed to be built from scratch as the orig materials were gone. Paper board mock ups with all the necessary holes were made to insure a perfect fit.

As seen they are mocked up, fit well and are ready to build.

We then laid it out on ABS panels which hold a nice shape but still a bit flexible to fit around contours which also helps during tweaking when installing.

The ABS board is ready to cover.

We did the same with the kick panels.

Kick panels came out nice and so did the firewall pad behind the gas tank.